
No one cares about boys doing badly
No one cares about boys doing badly Nearly forty years ago I was interviewing a senior NSW bureaucrat about how badly boys

Prime Minister derails fair trial
This week’s parliamentary apology to Brittany Higgins was greeted by lawyers everywhere with a gasp of incredulity that our Prime Minister could

The Great COVID Domestic Violence Fundraiser
Now for a jaw dropping story that will leave you marvelling at the brilliance of the feminist enterprise. I’m talking about extraordinary
Cringe moments
There’s an intriguing revelation in a recently published YouTube video chat between two Canadian legal experts, speaking about the acquittal of a

Police reveal false allegations driving the domestic violence industry
Interesting skirmish a few weeks ago over a police union submission to the federal inquiry into family law. In their submission the

High price for the moral panic over historical sexual abuse
The figures are extraordinary. Two years into our National Redress Scheme (NRS) for victims of institutional sexual abuse, over $500 million has

Weaponizing our criminal justice system against men
I have a revelation for you – a tribute to the awe-inspiring success of the feminist juggernaut using our justice system to
Feminism’s shameful betrayal of abused boys
Think back a few years to the royal commission into institutional child sexual abuse. One of the most striking patterns to emerge

Whatever happened to the missing million?
I was recently sitting in a gynaecologist’s waiting room (monitoring which part of my body will fall apart next is one of

Fake rape crisis fails to penetrate.
The activists who plotted the recent carefully orchestrated rape crisis campaign could have done with more due diligence regarding the key women

Inconvenient truths about impoverished women and privileged men
Women, women, women. Aren’t you sick to death of hearing about women? Endless bleating about women’s tough lives, whining about women being

The sinister push for rape star chambers
Wake up, people. I know most of you have had a gutful of watching zealots impose mob rule on our society but

Mothers of Sons Launch
Exciting news about an event coming up this week. You are all invited to the launch of Mothers of Sons – a

Hurrah for Mark Latham
Now, here’s some positive news for a change. Mark Latham has achieved a real breakthrough in his role heading up an inquiry

Violent women are mad but violent men bad.
Our captured media really showed their bias in the reporting on the tragedy at Tullamarine, in Melbourne where the bodies of a

The never-ending pursuit of one-eyed justice
Last month the NSW Law Reform Commission released recommendations for reform of the state’s sexual consent laws, after a review lasting over