
The dirt campaign and the ‘pedo’ smear
I’ve just made a video about a strange little story, an interesting side-show to the nasty bombardment I am receiving in the press.

Qualifications beat-up fails again
Nina Funnell, one of the activists responsible for bullying universities into setting up kangaroo courts, attempted another hit job on me overnight

Nina Funnell tries to rain on my parade.
Here we go again. The news of my Australia Day Honour has not only led to feminists on twitter going into meltdown,

Universities’ kangaroo courts ruled illegal
I have really exciting news regarding my ongoing campaign to expose our universities’ kangaroo courts. We have had a huge victory. The

Feminist firefighter flak backfires
Watching our heroic firemen facing the mighty blazes recently, I couldn’t resist making a obvious point. I posted the following comment on
Adjudication of rape on campuses
With Amanda Stoker doing a great job exposing TEQSA’s role in pushing universities towards setting up regulations to adjudicate rape on campuses,

Kapow! Take that, campus feminists!
Great news – Senator Amanda Stoker has fired another round. I reported last week on her blast at TEQSA, our university regulator,
Feminists demonize male sexuality
It’s rather timely that I planned this week to post a video of a talk I gave at the Chicago International Conference
Help make sure the Family Law Inquiry exposes the real issues
I’ve been posting a bunch of news stories on my social media about the strenuous efforts of feminists to try to close

Senator Amanda Stoker exposes our unjust universities
Finally, I am seeing some real action from my campus campaign. I recently visited Canberra for meetings with parliamentarians, including the outstanding

Teaching girls to fear boys
I have an interesting and alarming news story for my first video made for Jordan Peterson’s new platform, thinkspot – a perfect

Embarrassing overpolicing
Talk about overkill. Yes, protests were inevitable at my talk on the fake rape crisis at UNSW last night. But for a
Support the government’s family law inquiry
Bring it on, Prime Minister. When ScoMo was campaigning in the last election, he promised to stand up for the Quiet Australians

First Australian on Jordan Peterson’s thinkspot
Exciting news this week – I am the first Australian contributor on Jordan Peterson’s new platform, thinkspot! I’ve been invited to be
Caitlin Keogh shows her hand
Have a look at this charming creature. This is Caitlin Keogh, Women’s Officer at UNSW – pictured here abusing me at my

Help promote my #MenToo Tour
I am embarking on a national speaking tour, starting next month in Queensland, speaking about what is really happening to men and