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Kenny interview
Men’s rights advocate Bettina Arndt who was uninvited from a Sydney university panel says she was the

Largest Global Presentation to Stop Men’s Suicide International Men’s Day Parliament House1080p
Largest Global Presentation to Stop Men’s Suicide International Men’s Day Parliament House1080p
Lawyer explains new family law act
Lawyer Michael Jose explains how the new law will impact fathers and children. Contact for Michael Jose –

Why I Fight Feminism – Bettina Arndt
Bettina speaks about how feminism promotes women at the expense of men. Bettina Arndt’s Perth speech on feminism and our

Weaponizing our criminal justice system against men
Sydney barrister Margaret Cunneen exposes how feminists drive down rape conviction rates by forcing all cases through to trial –

Shameful Star Chambers
A male student spent two years fighting off a campus kangaroo court even after a criminal court found him innocent.

Police chief exposed the DV restraining order racket
Bettina Arndt’s exclusive interview with a retired chief inspector who exposes the widespread use of false accusations of violence to
Anonymity for men falsely accused of rape
Bettina talks to British barrister Daniel Janner QC about his new organisation FAIR (Falsely Accused Individuals for Reform) which is
Why Bettina is no longer a feminist
Short extract from Bettina’s long conversation with the former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, speaking about Bettina’s decades of advocacy