– The Liberal Party challenge
Message to our politicians: If you have deluded yourself that you could ever harness the angry women’s vote, take a good look at the Albanese debacle last week.
Our Prime Minister indulged in classic virtue signalling by sucking up to the Canberra women’s protest rally, joining hundreds of women who had been cynically whipped up into a frenzy over the latest domestic violence tragedies – with the usual false claims of an epidemic of violence being used to fuel anti-male hatred and demands for more funding.
Albanese muscled in on the podium to mouth his usual platitudes, only to have Sarah Williams, a canny activist and one of the rally organizers, call him a liar for claiming the protest had refused to allow him to speak. “Victim-survivor” Williams turned on the water works, claiming the PM was victim blaming, which led to days of grovelling and humiliation for Albanese. Slam dunk, for Williams. Another Prime Minister done over trying to suck up to the feminists.
(Note that Williams is the same professional agitator who, only a few weeks earlier, was orchestrating the change.org petition against our Restoring the Presumption of Innocence conference. She’s a busy girl.)
I’m not going to buy into detailed discussion of the truly impressive flexing of feminist power on display in the last fortnight, with commentators attempting to outdo each other in their male-loathing, proposing ever more draconian measures to lock up accused men, deny bail, publish their details online. Grovelling politicians responded by handing out more and more of our money and promises to further curtail civil liberties.
Never mind that in the middle of all the hysteria, the Australian Institute of Criminology released the latest figures which demonstrated a 30-year decline in intimate partner domestic homicide – “The female intimate partner homicide rate decreased overall by two-thirds (66 per cent) in the 34-year period between 1989-90 and 2022-23.”
Statistically speaking, this year’s tragic cases are a tiny blip in the downward trend. But that went virtually unnoticed, apart from an excellent article by Angela Shanahan in the Weekend Australian which the current feminist editors omitted from her normal spot in the print version and only published online.
You must watch this compelling video from Damian Coory, a commentator on ADH TV (the relevant section starts at 15:33). We are excited to announce that Damian, who has had a long media career, will be speaking at our conference about the role of the media in demonizing men.
And who would have thought that Waleed Aly would dare to suggest that blaming all men for domestic violence was like blaming all Muslims for Islamic terrorism.
But the icing on the cake was when Jess Hill, one of the leading feminist propagandists in the domestic violence industry, openly conceded that the advocated primary prevention strategy of promoting respect for women and attempting to “reduce gender inequity” wasn’t working: “Telling men and boys that if they make sexist jokes, or fail to challenge the attitudes of their mates, they are personally responsible for the physical and sexual violence or homicides committed by other males has not proven a compelling or successful argument.” Duh….
So, all those billions spent on television campaigns and shaming boys in schools has turned out to be misguided. Hill and her fellow author, UNSW criminologist Michael Salter, raise the possibility that it is increasing resentment by young men – which could backfire: “Situating all little boys as potential perpetrators not only risks diluting much needed resources and effort, but it also invites confusion and potentially backlash from boys and young men who were never at risk of hurting their partners in the first place.”
Yes, growing up in a culture where the government is paying for programs which falsely claim you and your mates are responsibility for the rape and murder of women might just put you off that government, don’t you reckon? And put you off voting for all the parties lining up to jump on this feminist bandwagon.
When will politicians realise that they will never appease the extremist feminists and misandrists who control not only social media but most legacy journalists? Well, while they remain fearful of extremists and their influence, the answer is – never.
Of course, even our conservative politicians are driven by fear – fear of looking out of touch. To hell with the facts, with issues of fairness, and even with what is best for our nation.
Which brings me to the Liberal Party, which sadly is the only hope of getting rid of the Labor government which has proved far more dangerous to men than we could ever have imagined – think of last year’s family law legislation removing children’s right to have a father in their lives. Every day this mob thinks of new ways of making lives miserable for men and boys.
Tough times for conservatives everywhere
There’s good reason for Liberal party strategists to be concerned about their future. Times look bleak for conservative parties, with growing evidence that successive generations are moving further left– both in Australia and overseas. What’s worse is they don’t appear to move back to the centre-right as they age. Forecasts are grim and include “a 35-seat reduction in Coalition seats in the House of Representatives by 2040,” according to a Centre for Independent Studies report on young people deserting the right.
However, the statistics reveal an interesting, more complex trend. In January, a Financial Times article pointed to evidence that while the young women of Gen-Z are, as expected, more left than previous generations, the young men are defying expectations by turning to the centre or even right.